Friday, September 17, 2010

Word of the week

Let's try a new segment on this show, word of the week!
This is where I choose a random word or phrase from the Japanese language and go through the details of what it means, how to use it and what not. Sound fun!? Hell yeah!

一網打尽 いちもうだじん ichi-mou-dajin

一 いち Ichi, meaning one
網 もう  Mou, meaning net
打 だ      Da, meaning to hit or in this case get a hit (capture)
尽 じん   Jin, meaning til the end (capture til the end, capture all in this case)

In a literal sense it means to catch all the fish or all the animals around in one net. It can also be used in situations where you do a certain number of tasks in one fell swoop.

Example sentences:

一網打尽に問題を解決する  いちもうだじんにもんだいをかいけつする  To solve all problems in one go

君たちは一網打尽だ!     きみたちはいちもうだじんだ                       I am going to get you all in one go!

So there you go, hopefully you can go away with this and start using it everywhere.

Why did I start with this phrase? I don't know, it was the first thing that popped up to mind :p

Mid-September Blues

That's what I thought I would blame my drought of entries on.
Lazyness? Perhaps
Busy-ness? Yes

But a lot went on in those couple of weeks.
I made a personal best record of 216 mouse clicks in 10 seconds, which I guess I'm proud of.
And I had some more ideas for how to expand my blog, yay! (for me and for you)

I'm in the testing phase of stuff, but I want to make something clear.
Does the people tracker on the left sidebar creep you out? Some guy on some blog thought it was a great way to leer people in on the action, but since I'm still a startup, there isn't much action (yet).

So please tell, does that sidebar creep you out?

Friday, September 3, 2010

How to do well without studying

For those of you who wanted an easy way out of hard work, let me warn you now, this is not it. This is possibly harder than study, plus the results you get at the end of your exam period may not be better than if you studied in the first place.

Then why do it? And why write an entry about it?
