Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A new angle for telemarketers?

This rather amusing episode happened last week.
Around noon, I was at home minding the fort while everyone else were doing their respective duties.
The phone rang.
I picked it up and began the conversation;

T for telemarketer
M for me

M: Hello?

T: Hello, could I please speak to *** or Mrs.***?

M: Erh, which one would you like to speak to because they are two different people?

By the way, who doesn't know who they want to speak to?

T: Anybody, could you pass the phone please.

M: Erh, who is this?

T: Ok, I am *** from *** for *** institute. Now I have said my name, tell me yours. Who am I speaking to?

...What? Wait, let me get things straight here, he was the one that dialled me right? Why would he be asking who he is calling if he is the one doing the dialling? That's like walking up to a random house, ringing the door bell, greeting the house owner, then asking "who the hell are you?".
Feeling much un-obliged to answer a nonsensical question I asked;

M: What do you want?

T: Hey buddy, why are you being so rude? You ask questions and I give you answers so now you should answer my questions!

...WHAT!? Wait a gosh darn second, let me get things straight here, he was the one dialling me right? Buddy? Did I offend the guy? Did I have an obligation to answer his nonsensical question?
Outraged at this allegation I answered;

M: Hey listen here buddy, how is that being rude? I'm just asking who you are and what you want so I can pass the phone call over to the person you want to talk to.

By the way, he did say anyone would do, why on earth does it matter who he is talking to anyway?

T: You are being so rude! I just want to talk with *** or Mrs.*** but you just ask questions, which I answer, but you don't answer my questions!

In disbelief about how out of line his phone call etiquette is, I decided to take a sarcastic approach;

M: Okay, alright. I'm sorry I ruined your busy day with pointless questions and phonecalls.

After a little cool down, Mr. T gathered his senses;

T: Ok, I think we need to back up a bit. There has been some misunderstanding either due to my fault or your fault. I would just like to talk to *** or Mrs. ***.

Obviously your fault, Mr. T. Seeing that his sarcasm radar wasn't fully functional I went on with the conversation;

M: I still can't hand the call over until I know what the call is about.

T: It is a personal matter of very high confidentiality.

...What? Didn't you just say you wanted to speak to anyone? Why in the first place would you hand pick two different names if it was highly confidential?

M: Even still I can't pass the call over.

T: Ok, you ask all these questions I will tell you. I have a business proposal for *** or Mrs. *** concerning *******. There I said it, now will you pass the phone call?

M: Sorry, we weren't expecting any business propositions and are not going to accept any either, bye!

End of conversation.

Poor fellow, he got so worked up and for what? A cold shoulder. I hope he didn't get fired.
I didn't even tell him that *** or Mrs. *** weren't even in the house at the time. I am a rude man and I should be ashamed of myself.


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