Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ear Wax

Random topic I know, but I had quite a lengthy conversation about it with my girlfriend one fine afternoon.

Did you know that there are two types of ear wax? Dry and wet.
I am a wet type, she is a dry type.

Every time I would clean my ears out, I would get enough wax to be satisfied knowing I did a worthy job.
I thought it was normal, I thought everyone was like that.
But guess who was wrong, me.

The first time I saw my girlfriend clean her ears, I was shocked.
All that was on the cotton tip was a small, minute ball of wax, the size of which you could probably only really see with a magnifying glass.
What shocked me even more, was that SHE was satisfied with that, that that was a job worth doing.

She apparently knew of these distinct wet and dry types. But most of the people she knows (or most of the ear wax she has seen) were dry type.

Wet type I can understand why you would feel the need to clean once in a while, but dry type? Is it just that her body does not produce much ear wax or is it I that produce too much?
Tell me what you think.

Are you a dry or wet type? And do you get a lot?


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