It's a guide to help you, at a game centre, get those prizes out of their prisons.
Yes, that's right, UFO catchers (or crane games).
Why do a page on this crap?
It may sound stupid and a waste of time and money to be playing a crane game, but that's your Western concept of crane games meddling with you.
In Japan, if you get yourself a date with a Japanese girl (or guy), you can impress greatly by winning them these prizes.
Why? Because it's a way of life.
There are heaps of game centres around Tokyo and most of them have UFO catchers, some of them even have entire floors dedicated to them! I recommend going to them if you're into games and stuff. If you're not, then maybe this entry isn't for you (unless you want to grab the heart of your Japanese date ;) )
So why take advice from a shlob like me? What do I know about UFO catchers anyway?
Let me throw some credentials at you. I worked on floor at a game centre in Japan, I helped set up all their games. I tweaked all the settings on their UFO catchers, I know the behind the scenes stuff, hell I even tested them to see if the prizes were get-able! And yes they were get-able.
Sound like the guy you want to take advice from? (say yes)
So this thought may be on the tip of your tongue right now - "But UFO catchers are just there to eat my coins, you are never meant to actually win those prizes"
That there is your Western misconception. Yes that may be true where you come from, it's true where I come from (Australia), those crane games never have any prizes come out. But in Japan (and maybe Taiwan and S. Korea) it's different. You are meant to get those prizes.
Let me throw some behind the scenes facts at you. The prizes you see in the major game centres in Tokyo are the latest fad. What's hot in Japan is what's hot in your UFO catchers. But what happens when the fad dies off? Who wants a prize that was like so-yesterday? Nobody. Game centres want to get rid of all their fadded out merchandise, they want to replace it with hot items so that people will be interested. They can't just simply throw old prizes away, because they paid good money for all of those prizes, and they want their money back - one reason why you will end up with a prize.
Also, what good business would it be if everyone knew the prizes aren't get-able and never attempted to get them? To keep paying the bills, game centres need customers to come. Much like an arcade game, they want you to feel like you're having fun, so that you'll come again and again. If the prizes can't be won, that game centre would not exist (or the UFO catcher section at least) - another reason why you will end up with a prize.
So Ok Mr. UFO catcher, I think I get the idea that I can actually win those prizes, tell me how to do it!
Before that though, know these rules/conceptions before you play.
- Yes the prizes can be won
- Don't think you can get it in one go (rarely does it ever happen) - this is how game centres make their money, from people who give up in the first try. They get money and don't give you a prize, they win. Most of their prizes cost more than a few goes anyway.
- You can ask for the prizes to be moved or swapped before you play - if you don't fancy your chances or if you don't like the prize lying closest to the hole, you can get it moved. If you're extra nice and they know you really want it, you can ask for it to be moved closer to the edge.
- You can ask for a demonstration of how to get it - you can actually ask for tips on how to get the prizes, sometimes you can ask that the staff do it in front of you to show you that it can be done.
1. Look at the prize
Simply, if you don't like the prize, don't do it. If you do fancy the prize, go to step 2.
If you know whether the prize is in fashion or is a bit late, then take note of that too. Usually the prizes that are slightly out of date are easier to get, the staff made it that way to get rid of it faster. That also means that the prizes in fashion are a little harder to get.
2. Know your machine
This step is easy, just take a look at your machine. There will be different types of machines and different setups inside. Some machines are set up by creative people, instead of just clawing at your prize in the hope of getting it, some involve pushing a ball into a hole with the claw, pushing a ring off a ledge etc (they're called gimmicks). Just take a good look at what you are asked to do.
3. Look at your prize again
This time look at where it's positioned (or where the gimmick is if you're playing a creative one). There are a few different ways to get your prize, and it depends on where the prize is. Some prizes actually start off in the hole, you just have to push it down to get it. Most of the time it will involve pushing or dragging your prize nearer to the hole until it goes in.
4. Look at the claws
This step gets a little tecchy. Look at the claws, what shape are they, what angle are they on, how far apart are they from each other? Yes there are different types of claws and yes you can play around with the angles and distance. Basically you want to imagine what that claw would do to your prize if you hit it.
ASIDE - I was changing the angle of my claw in a UFO catcher I was tweaking. I pulled too hard and broke the arm off. The boss wasn't too happy.
Oh and yes, there is a setting where the game centre staff can change the strength of the claws. Generally they will be weak, but on prizes that need to go out, they will be strong.
5. Look at the claw head
Look at the thing that the claws are coming out of. The shape can vary with the machine maker, but usually it's a bit round. Look at what it's attached to too. You will see rails on the ceiling of the machine. Look at these carefully, you will see black studs on the railings. This is were the machine will stop, even if you want it to go further. These are the limits of the claw head. Knowing this, you will know which prizes are out of hand and which angles of approach are best.
6. Look at your prize again
This time try to find it's centre of gravity. That's where you want to attack to cause the most movement. It can be difficult to find on plush toys, sometimes you just have to give it a go to determine it's centre of gravity.
7. Try it
Now that you think you know the dynamics of the machine, try it. If it moved, good for you, try again. If it didn't move at all, either try it again with a slightly different approach or forget about it, go to a different machine.
General tips once you get the hang of it;
- If the prize is currently a fad, chances are they have the same prize at another game centre around the corner, look for an easy looking one (look for one that has less stock in the background, that means the prizes have been going out)
- Don't try it more than 3 times if you can't get it to budge, ask the staff to move it to a better location
- If the prize gets stuck on the claws, usually they will give you the prize, just flag them down
- If the prize gets stuck in some place that cannot be clawed, ask the staff to move it
- If you want to push something that's tall and free standing, the head is your best bet. Make sure the claws don't hit anything on the way down, otherwise they will stop and your go will be wasted. Use the curved area of the head, it will give you good push. Some machines have pressure sensors that make the head stop descending, so be careful not to put all the pressure on the head or the claws
- When getting a teddy bear or something of the sort, try and wedge your claw in between the bear's arm and torso. Usually gets good movement
- If the hole is to the right, focus on the left claw and ignore the other, and vice versa. Some claws don't clamp together neatly or closely, it's a good idea to get the entire arm of one claw to get into the action instead of two tips of flimsy claws that don't connect.
Happy prize hunting!
Great tips! Thank you, I love the UFO catchers of Japan. I have won a lot of big animals I never thought I would win!
Going to make a go at this soon, thanks for the help!
I'm setting a limit of $50, and am going to see how much booty I can take home. Need all the tips I can get.
Do they have any frequent rewards etc or something to reduce the prices of games or ufo catchers played or discount days or times?
I really liked your Information. Keep up the good work. UFO Catcher Machine
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